Win/When Skillsets for Parents, Caregivers, and Communities who Work with Severely Autistic Individuals.
Severe Autism brings many challenges to schools, families, and programs. Heidi Rome has created the Win/When Skillsets Programs to empower, engage, and energize parents, caregivers, and communities through pragmatic skills and communication processes.

Join the Conversations
25 Minutes for Me on 3rd Thursday NIghts at 8 pm eastern
You’re invited to be part of the growing conversations as we take “25 Minutes for Me” each month and throughout our weeks. To receive information sign up below.

Being the mom of an autistic child of any age is tough. We worry so much about what to DO that we forget the real question is who we parents need to BE on the autism journey. I share the life-changing conversation I had with my nonverbal, autistic child that showed me my true role as his mom and guide. “You just have to love me” is from a direct conversation with my nonverbal son Ethan. Now, I share these insights to help other autism moms step out of painful isolation and into purposeful community.
“Heidi is honoring the Mom experience on the autism journey. She is determined to keep Mom strong and nourished, mind and spirit, with all she needs to get her kid’s needs met—and not lose herself and her own life in the process. Heidi is packaging all the love, wisdom and compassion she has acquired and now wants to share that support and power with all other moms of autistic kids of any age.” PT