You are in the middle of your day, the phone rings and the school or the afterschool program says “he’s having a disruptive afternoon”. …

Time stops. Your focus on what is at hand stops. Self-talk begins and it is usually not the fluffy kind that says “You are doing great”
Win/When Skillsets are for these moments. For the faculty who called, the teacher who is overwhelmed, the severely autistic individual who is having a hard time, and for you, the parent. Behavior is communication, that includes our own behavior when difficult situations arise. When/When Skillsets change the dynamic of what happens next. Heidi Rome, with first-hand experience with her own non-verbal young adult, will teach you skills and affirm that you already know what you need. How to communicate that to others, and how to change the dynamics of the situation to a Win/When for all. For parents, school and community professionals, and care-givers.