If you would like to connect to Heidi for mentoring, for information or for speaking opportunities, please connect here. Heidi is also available to work with your class, organization, or group via ZOOM.
If you’re an Autism Mom or facing a life change, please join me at Take A Breath and Breathe, our facebook community. Join here.
If you are ready to go forward with working with Heidi, the first step is a call where we’ll begin laying the foundation for your mentoring process. The call will last about 60-75 minutes and will create space for focusing on your story and experience. After that initial call, Heidi will be able to direct you to an appropriate mentoring program with her, or work with you on an immediate focus. Focus calls are held on Mondays and Thursdays at 10 am-11:30 eastern, 2:00-3:30 pm eastern or with coordination, at other times that can be mutually agreed upon. The in-take focused call is $275.00. If you have any questions please email Heidi.