You are enough. Whatever you are facing, whatever someone else said, you are enough.
Below is an affirmation that may be supportive for you when you begin the day, when the day is long, or when you simply desire to affirm yourself in your role as you!
I Am Affirmations
I am the parent of a special needs child.
I am a human being; worthy of love, respect, and care.
I am a soul; unconditional love and acceptance are my birthrights.
My world may be filled with challenges;
My heart may ache with lost dreams and conflicted feelings;
Yet, I’m doing my best and I forgive the rest.
I’m learning to dance in the storm; to sing when I’m soaked.
I love and accept myself, from the bottom of my heart.
I decide to accept “what is” with courage, hope, and grace;
I take inspired action to move toward my vision for myself and my family;
I step up where I am needed and am willing to “be the change” to repair and
renew my world;
I know when I must “push pause” and take a moment for me.
My child and family may not be able to give me what I need;
I am an adult and I choose to honor my own requirements for my health;
I choose to focus on the good;
I choose to fill my own cup.
The world says there are things I must do before I deserve love.
My truth is that LOVE has NO strings attached; love, which must include acceptance of truth, is unconditional.
I am wise.
I must love and care for myself first if I am to love and care for others well.
Just as the heart rests with every beat, and pumps blood, the fluid of life, to itself first before sending it to the rest of the waiting body, so too must I nurture myself first to be of optimal service to the whole of creation and to my purpose.
I am worthy, I am deserving, I am enough.
I am guided, I am protected, I am strong.
I love and I am loved.
I am Love.
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© Heidi Rome 2022