When you are the parent or the teacher of a severely autistic non-verbal child, it’s a full attention role. Are you aware though, that the attention needs to be on YOU? Too often we are left with the impression and expectation that all of our energy must be focused on our young adult.
What does that lead to?

Overwhelm, burnout, health issues, and in the moment, more exhaustion.
What if we retrain our hearts to listen to our own needs when things go awry? To see the “act out” behavior as something to be curious about, something to name but not tie heavy emotions like guilt, shame, and fear, and have some “go to” places emotionally to go to that support our energy and in the process, support our loved one that is having a hard time.
I call that the Win/When Skill Set. It’s a mindset and action-based thought process that supports your health, protects your child, and expands your options for how to engage even the most difficult of situations. We’ll be sharing it in schools, communities and in ZOOM sessions with individuals.