How to Win/When Life is Coming at You “Lunch and Learn”, February 28th at noon ET

Is life coming at you from every direction? Does it seem like no sooner that you have one situation identified, another one demands attention?
Isn’t it time that the never-ending pressure releases you?
Has something come up in your life that simply isn’t going away or resolving anytime soon?
Ah! Sounds like a good time to take a breath and breathe….
You’re invited to a lunchtime session with Heidi Rome, creator of the Win/When Skillsets. Heidi had a life-changing event that changed everything in her world, and so she understands how you can wake up one day and realize life is coming at you from a hundred different directions.
Heidi Rome is all about guiding you to regain peace in the midst of chaos. The author of “You Just have to Love Me”, she is the mother of two young adults, one of whom is a non-speaker with severe autism. Eighteen years later, she supports women to regain their power by asking two key questions in every situation.
This will be an online “Lunch and Learn” ZOOM event, lasting approximately forty-five minutes. You can choose to simply listen or to engage during our time together.